Saturday, 14 January 2012

The pub epiphany

So I had this moment of

 "sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience." 

 (I stole that from a dictionary)


I know. Usually my the only thinking involved is vodka, or cider.  But last night I realised something huge.

SO, I'll set the scene for you a bit.  I went to the pub with a dear friend for company because she was invited with some people she only really knew 'through the husbands'  Contrary to what I'd have you believe I don't really go to the pub often.  Par-tay animal in a past life, these days it just  makes me feel old, and just highlights the fact that after 10pm I really should be home in bed.

So one of the women we meet for drinks I'd met before.  I was instantly envious of her life.  Of. Every. Single. Part.  This woman is fabulous.  Perfect hair, perfect children, perfect husband, she is running a marathon this year (I know a bloody MARATHON) she has a figure of a runner, slim and tiny, perfect skin, teeth, nails.  She is effortlessly elegant.  She works saving the environment.  AND she is finishing her Masters degree.  In short - she has my perfect life.

So we had a great night.  A really great night.  Laughs, drinks, jokes.  A really fantastic night.  But at the end of the night my perfect ideal 'woman to aspire to' did something really bloody stupid.  I mean really bloody stupid.  Random stranger stupid, not little stupid, BIG stupid. And it was normal for her.

Now -  how can someone who has the life I want, do something that would jeopardise it, do something that would risk it all?  and here is my moment of clarity.

Outward shit is just that SHIT.  If you are not happy on the inside, it doesn't matter how beautiful your life appears on the outside, you'll still be unhappy.  Beautiful, but unhappy.

So I woke this morning, and realised with a jolt just how lucky I am.  I have, My Husband, My Son, My wonderful Job, My House and Home, and My Life makes me happy.  Super happy.  In fact, I wouldn't risk what I have for anything.


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