Saturday, 21 January 2012

2012 Goal Four - Create opportunities to live

2012 Goal Four - Create opportunities to live

So this goal took some thinking.  I know that I want to live simpler, spend my time wisely and invest in my family doing things that make them, and me happy.  So how?

Obviously I need to make some changes, I have these plans, goals, ideals.  But in the middle of it I feel time poor.  So, I had the heart to heart  with The Ray.

I work 2 jobs.  I'm a full time teacher, and on weekends I sell Zazi skincare and makeup.  (both jobs I LOVE)  I have fitness and health goals, meditation goals and goals to spend quality time with  my family.  And 24 hours a day to accomplish them.

So, I've hired a house cleaner for 2 hours a week.  I have trouble even typing that!  it sounds so self indulged.  But i need to prioritise my time on the weekends and this solution works for me.  Now, instead of the whole  'gotta clean the house' excuse, my weekend starts fresh. 

Next I'm going to break a habit. A really bad one.  I waste time in the evening. Just because I don't want to go to bed because I have to start another day 'quicker' so I stay up - late.  I've decided that I am going to become a early riser, and because something will have to give, a early to bedder too.

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” – Ben Franklin

The way I see it, I've nothing to loose.  Ive set these goals, C25K, fitness, simplifying, mediation, and I need quiet time to do them.  Morning makes sense.  I'm sick of the morning rush.  Imagine waking, having time to run, shower, meditate, think, make a proper breakfast, and eat it, wash the dishes, order my morning so that my day doesn't begin frantic. 

So, here it is world.  I'm going to become an early riser.  4.30am early.  Of course I'm not going to shoot for that at the start! but build it slowly.  I've set my alarm for 30mins earlier tomorrow.  So tonight I go to bed 30mins earlier too.  no more sitting up to midnight. 

Fitness wise Ive been quite happy about my week. Ive got back into the swing of the gym.  DOMS hit major on Thursday after my pump class!  Zumba has been fun, and I've booked a personal trainer for 10 weeks, Tuesday evenings at 5.45.  looking forward to that.

At the moment I'm hovering over the 'enrol' button on a local triathlon.  The swim leg has me a little scared.  Going to head to the pool in town this week to see if I sink. Its in 12 weeks time, so will be an achievable goal.  AND you are only a 1st timer once!

Food - not so good, though I am beginning to get back into my portion size thinking again.

One more goal for 2012... hmmm

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